Clean the carpet stains: carpet cleaning: clean
2020-05-06 16:26:26Cassandra
Hi, I am Lisa Goldworthy with ACE Carpet andUpholstery Care in Denver, Colorado. In thisnext segment, I am going to discuss a paintspill on your carpet.
The best result thatyou will get out of a paint spill is to reallytackle that and get that spill up immediately .
As soon as the spill happens, you want toget that up, you don't want to let that dry.So, for best results, that?s what you wantto do. So in this example, we are going totake some nice thick paint and let?s say weare going a little crazy with our paintinghere and we dropped some. And here we are.I am going to take a dry part of this towelfirst and I want to get the spill up withthe dry part first. First let?s go and dothat.Carpet Cleaning
So again, you'll notice that my blottingtechnique, I am not going down with it realhard because that will most likely spreadthat. I want to just gently sort of in a scrappingmotion, get that wet paint up. And anotherthing that will work, if you don't have awhite towel hand because often we don't havea white towel handy, would be paper towels.White paper towels without any print on them.So those will work as well. So you can seeI got up a majority of the spill just by gentlyblotting in sort of a scrapping motion gettingthat off.
Now, taking a different part ofthe white towel, let?s go back into that icecold water, just barely getting that wet.Okay? So I am going to take a very small areaof that paint spill versus tackling this bigarea because I want to see how my resultsmay be. So I am going to take that small areafirst and I am going to blot it. Just blot.Okay? Bring that nap back up. I am gettinggreat results here. You can see that paintspill is gone. That's great. Okay, now, Iknow that works in a small area.
I want togo ahead and just barely get this damp hereand I am going to tackle this larger areaby being patient and blotting. Never scrubbing,ever, ever. Never scrub. So just remain patientand blot. Not sure if you can see it herebut I am getting a nice transfer of the whitepaint on this white towel. So we are goingto continue blotting and come back and revisitthis and see how our results turn out. Okay,so, I had continued to blot with my ice coldwater, my white towel.
And one other thingyou can do in addition to blotting, is thatyou can go in one motion to remove that spill.Not back and forth, all in the same direction.Now I am very pleased with the results. Again,as I mentioned earlier, tackling that at thepoint of the spill, that?s great. Having immediateaction, that?s really going to increase yourchance of a really beautiful result like thiswith our wet paint spill. Good job.
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